Ram Rajya – how can it be established?

When we go through Ramcharitmanas and read details about how Shri Ram ruled Ayodhya after returning from exile, it turns out to be superb! Is it possible for us to have such a rule or society with these merits? Can we just think of it and only feel amused or is it possible to have such a society or kingdom?

We would like here to discuss whether such a rule is possible. One can argue that where Shri Ram is present in his carnal body, such a kingdom is possible only there. And as he is not present in the mortal form, it cannot be possible.

The Ram in us

It is clearly said in Ramcharitmanas about Shri Ram: Shri Ram is that entity that enlightens everyone.

सबकर परम प्रकाशक जोई । श्रीरघुवीर अवधपति सोई ।।

And saint Kabir also talks about Ram in the following way:

एक राम दशरथ का बेटा, एक राम घट-घट में बैठा।
एक राम का जगत पसारा, एक राम जगत से न्‍यारा।।

He talks about 4 Rams: One was son of Dashrath, one Ram is present in the heart of each and every one, one Ram has created this whole world and yet another one is beyond this world.

The Ram who was son of Dashrath is now no more, not in his carnal body. One Ram has created this whole world and another one is beyond this world. Now only one Ram is accessible to us: the one that is in the heart of each and every one.

Read more: Exploring Ramayana Adaptations: Origins, Summaries, and Cultural Significance

How was Ram Rajya?

When the son of king Dashrath, Shri Ram ruled Ayodhya, he made his rule an ideal one – everyone was happy and prosperous, people lived harmoniously with one other and nature was benevolent. Nobody was poor nor had any deformity nor any disease. Let us see how were the things then and how people behaved with one another in the following paragraph.

“Under the rule of Rama there was none who suffered from affliction of any kind — whether of the body, or proceeding from divine or supernatural agencies or that caused by another living being. All men loved one another: each followed one’s prescribed duty, conforming the precepts of the Vedas. Dharma with its four pillars (viz., truth, purity — both external and internal, compassion and charity) reigned everywhere; no one even dreamt of sin. Men and women alike were devoted to Sri Ram and all were qualified for liberation. There was no premature death nor suffering of any kind; everyone was comely and sound of body. No one was destitute, afflicted or miserable; no one was stupid or devoid of auspicious marks. All were devoid of ego, pious and virtuous; all were wise and accomplished — both men and women.

How can Ram Rajya be established?

Can we hope of having a society or kingdom with such qualities in today’s world? Really difficult to hope such a society. So, shall we quit the hope of it? Hope is there as long as that Ram is there in everyone’s heart Ramcharitmans and Kabir talk about! And it is. There is no doubt about it. And yes, Ram Rajya is possible. If we allow the Ram in our hearts to rule our life, Ram Rajya can be reality.

If an individual knows the everlasting Ram present in his heart and allows it to rule his life, his own life will be full of peace, satisfaction and humanity.

It has been clearly stated in Ramcharitmanas about that infinite entity:

प्रकृति पार प्रभु सब उर वासी । सत चेतन घन आनन्‍द रासी ।।

That infinite is already in the heart of each and everyone but it is beyond this nature. It is Truth, Consciousness and full of bliss.

Now, it has been established that that Ram, the everlasting power is within us. It is now on us to get access to that, to know that by whatever means possible.

If a person is able to know that Infinite Ram inside and allows it to rule his own kingdom – his life — definitely it is possible to have Rajya in his life. If it gets possible for one person, is it not possible for a group of people, for a society and for a country?

Also Read: Ram Naam: The Infinite Power Within Every Particle of the Universe

A word of caution

A word of caution by Tulsidas himself in Ramcharitmanas:

जड चेतन गुण दोषमय विश्‍व कीन्‍ह करतार ।
संत हंस गुण गहहिं पय परिहरि वारि विकार।।

As that infinite resides within us, so is that ignorance, and we will have to choose that divine within us leaving aside the ignorance that rules us more often.


So, when one feels happy and blessed from inside, it definitely comes out of him in his behaviour and whatever he does. He will radiate it. And as a lit lamp can light another unlit lamp, it can be multiplied as well. It can be spread. And finally, it can be realized.

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