How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness Within Yourself in this Chaotic Life

Before going into the details of this dense subject, I will clear you that we shall be talking about it in two parts:

1. What is Inner Peace and,

2. How to Find it (especially in this Chaotic World)

Introduction: Understanding Inner Peace

Now first, inner peace. People are generally unaware that there lies peace and serenity in them, so they look for peace in the world, not giving a little thought to it being inside.

While growing up, we learn a lot of things & skills, some of which are simple to understand and some of which are more complicated. Knowledge becomes more valuable and fund-fetching as it becomes more and more complex. We gradually come to understand that the world does not actually embody the serenity that it promises as we make our way through it. We frequently overlook the thought that the calm we seek is already within us, however, as a result of our intense interest in worldly issues.

Despite this knowledge, many people continue to prioritize worldly acquisitions and overlook the eternal peace within.

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Recognizing the Source of Inner Peace within you

Sooner or later while following this world we come to the conclusion that the peace this world promises is not there in it. Often, we do not consider it seriously because we find ourselves so involved in it that we scarcely devote any time to it.

But nobody comes up with the idea that the peace you need most in your life is within you. This is not taught in our schools and colleges. It is only saints and seers who talk about it.

They plainly say this world is like a mirage. The objects of this world appear to be giving you peace but in fact, it is not so. But the attraction to this world is so intense that we get attracted to it. And the peace we get in it is little. Often it takes longer to realize it and very few do it. And fewer are those who take the right course to know it.

Kabir’s Perspective on Inner Peace

Just see what Kabir says about this: Musk-deer looks for the smell that emanates from him, in the jungle, likewise that peace or that infinite which is the source of peace lies within but we look for that in the world.

कस्तूरी कुण्डली बसै मृग ढ़ूँढ़ै बन माहि।

ऐसे घटी घटी राम हैं दुनिया देखै नाँहि॥

Hindi Explanation:

हिरण की नाभि में कस्तूरी होता है, लेकिन हिरण उससे अनभिज्ञ होकर उसकी सुगंध के कारण कस्तूरी को पूरे जंगल में ढ़ूँढ़ता है। ऐसे ही भगवान हर किसी के अंदर वास करते हैं फिर भी हम उन्हें देख नहीं पाते हैं। कबीर का कहना है कि तीर्थ स्थानों में भटक कर भगवान को ढ़ूँढ़ने से अच्छा है कि हम उन्हें अपने भीतर तलाश करें।

Kasturi Kundal base, mrig dhoonde ban maahi,

Aise ghat ghat raam hai, duniya dekhe naahi.

English Explanation:

“The musk is within the deer, but the deer searches for it in the forest. Similarly, the divine resides within every being, but the world fails to recognize it.”

In another place, he says: Fish is thirsty in water, which has the capacity to quench his thirst. In the same way, we are surrounded by what we need the most, peace, and still thirsty for it. And this makes me laugh. He is talking to us human beings, not the fish, about our plight.

pani me meen pyasi
mohe sun sun aave hansi

English Explanation:

The fish in the water is thirsty, As I hear this, I can’t help but laugh.

पानी में मीन प्यासी

मोहे सुन सुन आवे हासी

Guru Nanak Ji’s Teachings on Finding Peace Within

Nanak ji says a very relevant fact about this: As scent is there in the flower and picture is there in the mirror, likewise that infinite, the source of peace is within you. If you want to look for it, look within.

Neglecting Inner Peace: The Illusion of Acquiring the World

All the saints & seers and scriptures are replete with the fact that what you are looking for is within you, but people are so engrossed in acquiring this world that they neglect what has been said time and again.

Even after knowing the fact that peace lies within us, we do not appear to be serious to look for it. By merely knowing the fact that water can quench your thirst, your thirst will not be quenched. One will have to get it and drink it.

Read More: The Path to Equanimity: Unlocking the Secrets of Yoga and Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace in this Chaotic World

When we want to learn any subject, we approach a person who is an expert in it. In the same way, we must seek a person who is well-versed in the field of Inner Knowledge or Self Knowledge and who is capable enough to guide us to that inner peace, who can practically guide us to go inside.

You may find very many people out there talking about it. Only talking about it won’t help, knowing it will do. If you approach someone, you should reverently request whether you can help me go inside and experience it. When Arjun in Geeta asks Lord Krishna about how to know what he is talking about, He clearly says: Go and look for a person who knows the reality. He uses the word ‘Tatva-darshi’, meaning the person who knows the subtlest reality.

Once known practice it to the fullest. In Geeta, at several places Lord Krishna instructs Arjun about giving full attention towards that reality. He even says to fight this war and meditate as well. Now there are three things he has to do: save himself, kill the enemy and meditate. And Arjuna did it.

We shall have to do something like this, but not three things as Arjun did. Fulfill your responsibilities here and meditate upon the infinite within, the source of peace. By doing this we can attain the best end of this life: getting the true peace within while fulfilling all the responsibility we have taken upon ourselves.

Quenching the Thirst: Experiencing True Peace Within

What that experience is like, can be known only by experiencing it as is in the case of drinking water. Once taken it quenches your thirst. But, if you are thirsty, and not quenching your thirst, it will keep on troubling you. It is your need, not a want. Once quenched you feel relaxed, if not, it will trouble you.

So, know yourself, the true self by seeking a true master who can guide you to your inner serenity, and inner peace and enjoy your life while completing your responsibilities.

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