Unveiling Ancient Wisdom: Secrets from Vedas for Inner Peace and Strength

The significance of Vedas as an ancient source of knowledge

Vedas are an ancient source of knowledge. They have a great possibility to empower human beings with peace, humanity, understanding, clarity, and Knowledge. But yes, we shall be able to understand it and be able to put it into practice. Merely something written well somewhere doesn’t serve the purpose. It must be known and put into practice.

Upanishads: An integral part of Vedas, providing profound insights

Upanishads are the last leg of Vedas and they are equally as replete with knowledge and understanding as Vedas themselves. They show mankind such a shining light that can empower today’s human beings to such a level that the problems we see today won’t remain.

The word ‘Ved’ means ‘to know’. Whatever has been said in Vedas is meant to be known and understood. It is not meant to be rote only.

There are four great sentences (mahavakya) in Vedas –

  1. Aham Brahmasmi
  2. Ayamatma Brahm
  3. Pragyanam Brahm
  4. Tat-tvamasi

These are not only to rote but to be known and realized in one’s life. When we know that we are really that power that empowers not only the whole world but the whole universe, then can we understand and fully grasp the meaning in its real sense of what these four great sentences say. Then understanding Vedas is very simple. When we know ourselves then we come on par in the understanding with the Rishis who penned down their thoughts which we call verse or Mantra.

Now, we shall discuss about a very important verse or Mantra from Yajurveda. This is the 18th Mantra under chapter 31. This very same mantra comes in Shwetashvatar Upanishad as 8th Shlok under chapter 3. It is:

Vedahmetam purusham mahantam,

Adityavarnam tamasha parastat.

Tamev viditvati mrityumeti,

Nanyah pantha vidyate ayanay.

The Rishi says that I know of a Great Purusha (being), in fact, it is so great that it has neither beginning nor end. This Purusha is effulgent and beyond the dark. It is only by knowing that power, one can surpass death. There is no other way to emancipation.

This is our own secret. That being which is so great that doesn’t have either a beginning or end, is within us. By nature, it is effulgent, and by knowing that power we can surpass death and find our emancipation within.

Discovering Our Own Secret:

We can recite it, we can elaborate it to anyone but the Rishi says I know it. Can we ask this question whether I know it? If he can know it, is there any possibility for me to know it? Because until and unless I know it, I won’t be able to understand its real meaning. Even while living this life, it is only by knowing it, I can say that I can surpass death and get my emancipation. Now this responsibility of knowing it rests on me. Once I know it, the biggest of the secrets will be known to me. This secret is mine as that power lies within each one of us.

For this, we will have to seek a true teacher who knows it and who can reveal that power to us. In this way, I can know my own secret that lies within me and after knowing and practicing it I can achieve that freedom and emancipation even while living this life. Peace and humanity burst forth once a person gets in touch with power within.

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