The Thirst for Peace: Finding Solace in the Ocean Within

Peace is one of the most searched things in this time and age but it eludes people the most. You will be surprised to know that Peace is abundantly available for everyone on the face of this earth but still, people are not in peace. Why?

This reminds me of a couplet from Ramcharitmanas wherein it is said:

Anand sindhu madhya tav vasa

Jane binu kat marat piyasa.

You live in the ocean of peace. But without knowing it why are you dying without quenching the thirst of peace?

This is our predicament that even after possessing what we really look for, we are not able to have it.

Guru Nanak ji says the same thing but in a different way: a man is walking with a bundle of bread on his shoulder, but still, he is hungry. Merely having or carrying it is not sufficient, it must be used, and consumed. Likewise, the peace we are looking for is already within us.

This is what Kabir says about it

Paani mein meen piyasi mohe sun sun aave haasi

The fish is thirsty in the water. Hearing this, makes me laugh.

Without Self-knowledge, people wander in vain, visiting holy places like Mathura, and Kashi. As the musk-deer has aromatic musk in his navel but keeps on despairingly searching for it in the forest.

The Lotus flower is in the water, and buds are there in the Lotus flower. The black bee gets attracted by it and keeps on hovering over the flower. Likewise, this mind of not only ours but those of ascetics and sanyasis keeps on wandering in the three worlds (the first one is the earth where we live, 2nd one is above this earth and the third one is below this earth).

See Also: Unveiling Ancient Wisdom: Secrets from Vedas for Inner Peace and Strength

That which Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and eighty-eight thousand Muni folk pray or contemplate upon that Supreme being, Immortal, Eternal abides within your body itself.

He is verily within you but people say He is very far away. Saying He is far away is disappointing. Kabir says: Listen, this delusion cannot be dispelled without Guru, the holy preceptor.

He is not saying this to the fish, he is saying this to us human beings.

We shall make our humble effort to show you how our saints seers and great rishis have pointed towards this fact.

This is our great secret that we do have what we look for! Shall we believe it and turn our search within? This is what we aim for here. This is our secret. This is your secret!

Thanks for reading the article if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to send a message below. We’ll try to reply you as soon as possible.

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